The Reoccuring: A Poem
I see you
In my dreams, on my phone and on the street
I see you
As your name pops up on my phone screen.
I know you
How you lie, cheat and love
I know you
As you tell me you’ve changed.
I hate you
As I wait for your notifications to pop up again
I hate you
For leaving me alone until now.
“I need you”
That’s what you say every time you're intoxicated
I need you
Is something you texted to those girls when I was right next to you.
“We need to stop”
That’s what I say every time you come crawling back
We need to stop
You’re bad for me and I can’t have you again.
I used to love you
When you bought me flowers, chocolates and jewellery
I used to love you
Before you began to love the others.
Goodbye now
I type to you hoping you’ll never message me again
Goodbye now
I say on the phone as you stumble home from your friends’ house.