A Poem
Your sun shines so heavy
upon my kissed skin,
your moon rising against
my soft beating chest.
Your mercury always closed
and locked away,
whilst your venus is so confused
about whether or not to hold me
and cherish what we have,
or simply stay.
Your Mars is chaotic, uncontrollable and
yet so calming;
Jupiter watches your back no matter
how many mistakes you made.
Saturn no longer disciplines you as you
have given yourself too much freedom,
like a boat drifting through a
You’re reckless, unaccounted for;
yet somehow I hold down my claim on you
as though I’ve done this.
Uranus and Neptune, have created you
amongst these atoms and compounds,
more unique than the last.
I’m waiting for pluto to give you what you deserve
because right now my Chiron is waiting
to simply heal.
These planets, these stars,
these atoms and cells,
bound us together for what may be
for the rest of eternity.
I’m scared and I fear how your atoms
attack mine.
In the middle of the night,
over the phone,
or in the middle of the day.
I’m scared that you let them get the better of you.
Just so they bring out the worst in me.