Slow Down
A Poem
For once in my life, I would like to slow down,
not because I hate the adrenaline
or the euphoric feeling I get, as I go
full speed ahead.
But I would like to simply sit in one place
without fearing the chase, a chase of
older men and designer dresses
accompanied by top-shelf labels
in five-star Michelin Italian restaurants.
I would like a moment to take it all in,
not out of caution, but just to simply live
within in a moment.
For once in my life, I would like to
simply not be doused in caffeine and late
night grinding not to be drenched in sweat
and odour from running from a past I’m scared will
pull me back.
I’ve lived a fast pace life, full of life organiser diaries,
running errands in five-inch heels and back and forth in meetings
till the last email is sent.
A life that is constant with fast thinking, risk-taking and
the occasional rush of adrenaline I get as I almost miss an opportunity,
a flight or rushing to the arms of another lover:
who’s name I’ll add to the list another time.
I would like a slow life, the life I was never able to have.
Maybe because I’m consistently rushing and have no time to ask
for a slow life.
I would like to slowly enter a relationship next time, to
cherish it’s beginning
so that I don’t rush to the end.
I would like to slowly enjoy the surroundings of an airport lounge,
without the anxiety of missing a flight
distracting me from engaging in a conversation and enjoying
the calmness before a storm.
I would like to spend a Sunday relaxing, instead of rushing
to finish that job or to get the errands done for the week.
I would for once like to peacefully live a life, a life so slow
that my past won’t catch up.
But instead, everything remains frozen.