Myth-busting the Urban Legend of Being Single and Alone
“Your going to die at fifty years old, still a virgin, unmarried and with diabetes with twenty cats all named Whiskers and Fluffy surrounding your dead, rotting corpse”- My friend who is in love ATM.
For starters, I like dogs, my dear friend. Not cats.
Yes, the urban legend of being single and alone. You would expect more sympathy for such deluded drama being said but at the same, you sort of do expect this sort of reaction when you are single.
I’ve never been like most of my friends and family. I was never really invited to social gatherings such as birthdays and weddings and sleepovers or group dates. Probably because I was so introverted back then… And I’ll admit- I still am. Maybe because I was single, ugly, not so keen on meeting my friends’ partners at the time. I was scared of scaring them away or having them connect to me on such a deep level that there would be awkwardness for when my friend and that person were to break up.
Like them, I don’t always block them and be shallow with them for the rest of my life. Unless that certain ex cheated, lied, manipulated and was simply an asshole I don’t need in my life.
But now I honestly still don’t see the point in attending these gatherings- even if I am invited by pleasure, not by pity and sincere.
Urban legends have it that I’ll become either-
A stalker
A cat lady- even though I dislike cats (dog lady for me)
The hermit (which is something I already am).
The emo poetic writer (partially true)
An over the top feminist (this is so not an insult to me at all)
The Aunt who is always single and travelling and shows up to family events in elaborate clothing (something I do)
Or maybe all of the above.
Either way, I don’t mind what cliche or stereotype I fall under- I’m still young and enjoying life even without a loved one right next to me stopping me or supporting me.