I Only Drink Coffee When I’m Depressed
A poem
I only drink coffee when I’m depressed,
When the world shifts in my hands as I drink another caffeinated drink poured into the ceramic blue mug.
The foam marking the top of my lip similar to where your lips used to be.
The morning glory, some might say, is when your lips touch the boiling watered-down beans,
Imported and pressed from Columbia.
I only drink coffee when I’m tired,
After a sleepless night dreaming of you in my bed and crying away the loneliness.
The warmth pouring deep down into my soul similar to the feelings you gave me,
The sleepless nights seem to fade away, it’s like a potion to keep me away throughout the seven Mondays of the week,
Replacing the feelings of sleep I deprive.
I only drink coffee when I need something to look forward to,
It gives me the urge to walk to the coffee shop and grab that boiling warm mocha in the morning.
The chocolate soothing my soul whilst the sugar nourishes the sourness inside me,
Slowly medicating the empty hole in my chest.
I only drink coffee when I think of you,
It replaces your warmth in the mornings and replaces the meals I should’ve spent with you.
The empty and unfulfilling void in my life filled with low-fat milk, various flavours and always two sugars,
Always sweetened to perfection, just until I can live with you.