I Hate Flowers

A Poem

nobody || somebody
2 min readApr 22, 2022
Photo by Ellieelien on Unsplash

Did you know that I hate being bought flowers?

Why spend your money on something

that is going to die within

a few days?

I feel the pressure to keep something

so wild and natural alive

in an apartment that rarely ever sees

sunlight or fresh air.

I feel the pressure to keep it alive

so when they come over

they’ll be happy to see that I have

watered them and gave them sunlight,

a sign of affection and adoration

for those stems pulled out of the earth.

But if he bought me flowers, I would die to keep them alive.

I would spend everyday watering them

and giving them sunlight.

Changing its water

and fertilizer whenever necessary.

For every petal that falls off, I would

place them carefully into a book

for the pink, blues, and browns

to stain the page.

I would find those flowers to be the most amazing gift

of all time.

I would write small words,

and small sentences

about who gave me these flowers

and how I care for them as much as I cared

for him who gifted this to me.

He has no idea how bad I would love these flowers.

Whether they were tulips,



or carnations.

Wrapped in paper or straight into a vase,

I would find myself in love with this

piece of nature

pulled from the earth

by his bare hands

and placed on my desk

for me and all

to admire.



nobody || somebody
nobody || somebody

Written by nobody || somebody

Deux ex Machina. And I have plenty to write about

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