Ever So Lovely
A Poem
Coffee poured into mugs
The smell of his smoke lingers through the kitchen window,
I tell him to smoke it outside,
Because the smell reminds me of poison.
Reruns of black and white sitcoms accompany the television
The sound filling the void,
That dark and silent hole that we need to fill,
Otherwise, you’ll sleep on the couch when the sun sets along the horizon.
Dour and dull is something we’ve refused to become
From the late-night live bands and midday rendezvous
With tulips sent to my desk in the mornings,
From dinner cooked and served warm after a long day,
We’ve changed into something that we’ve been scared of all along.
Dirt scattered along the floor
I told you to take your shoes off at the door,
Especially when I’ve cleaned the carpet,
I hate when you smoke inside
The smell reminding me of that time when my aunt smoked into oblivion,
You never listen to me
Even when I shout, I am silenced.
Because you never wanted to change,
Let alone be the person to finally listen
There’s no more Sunday sex,
No more tulips left at my door
Instead, you leave,
Leaving only a note
By the door.