A Guide to The Weekend of Self Love for Every Hard Working Woman
Self-love is the best love
Self Love (noun)
regard for one’s own wellbeing and happiness.
Instagram models, life coaches, and influencers make self-love seem so easy. Whether that self-love is taking place in a rose petal filled bathtub, on a beach in Bali or in a 5-star spa someplace in France or Switzerland with a face mask on.
Self-love is an important thing that every teenage girl must endure in order to feel validated, loved and prepared for the world. After a long week of school, exams, work or dealing with everyday stresses, a weekend of self-love is highly recommended (for those with a weekend of free time). It’s vital for you to also know how to take time away from others, whether it be from a toxic workplace environment, stressful school drama, a breakup or simply just a time where you need to self-reflect and improve. Self-love is needed.
However, it’s harder to find time and routine with self-love in just two days, especially if you're either on a budget, limited in transportation or simply just unsure of how to negotiate such free time.
So here’s how: Read this article and do this ALONE!
1. On Friday Night Have A Warm Bath/Shower
Having a warm bath or shower can allow your body to relax, it sets the mind into ease allowing you to enter a peaceful mindset, giving you some nurture.
If you have a bathtub, feel free to use candles and incense, and if needed have some soft music played (nothing electro, hip hop or fast pace). Lavender and Vanilla scented candles are highly recommended since they are two of the softest scents that allow people to relax.
If you have only a shower use scented soaps and try and give your shoulders a massage. Feel free to listen to music.
2. Nighttime Routine: Moisturise and Face Mask
Get a face mask from your local Target or pharmacy, find a facemask that is highly organic and can benefit your face (cleaning pores, etc). Using a moisturizer allows your skin to soften, an option can be massaging it into your skin to release any tension inside muscles and joints. Be sure to have a pajama set that is soft and not so heavy, find pajamas that are short, thin and easy to move in. Silk and light cotton are a necessity if you're in summer climate. If in a much colder climate, stick with cotton and woolen fit.
3. Bedtime
If you're usually up late throughout the week and on some weekends, be sure to have a specific bedtime. Before bed, have candles lit inside your bedroom to have a scent that nourishes the atmosphere. Try your best to stay offline, even if it means turning off your wifi or turning your phone on airplane mode. Spend the night reading a book or a magazine, listening to a podcast and having herbal tea. This allows your mind’s hyperactivity to die down by the time you're ready to sleep.
You should have a set sleep routine- for example 9:30–10:00 pm
4. Wake Up Early and Do Some Yoga
By having an early night you are able to have enough energy for the morning and the day ahead. Wake up time should be at 7:30–8:00 am. You should start your day by simply brushing your teeth and putting on some exercise gear. Either choose your living space or take an external class at your local gym and wellness center.
If you choose to use your living space, it works best for you considering if this is your first time doing yoga and meditation. You have the freedom to make mistakes, try again and experiment with yourself without feeling anxious and judged by others. Make sure there are enough space, natural lighting and either a yoga video or guide helping you throughout the process. Make sure that you do at least half an hour of yoga. Even if it means timing yourself and setting an alarm.
If going to a yoga class is something you wanna do, find a class for beginners or advance if your willing for a challenge. You can also speak to the class instructor for advice and see if you can make this a weekly hobby.
5. A Healthy Breakfast
A healthy breakfast is the best way to start your day, it gives you the nutrients you need. if you're at home make something minimal whether it be a fruit juice/smoothie, avocado toast, bruschetta, porridge, etc. It’s an easy way to use what you have in the house
If you're already out of the house, find a local cafe or a market that can have healthy meals. Vegan breakfasts benefit quite significantly to your health, such as clear skin, easy digestion, and increased energy; if you have allergies or low tolerances veganism is the best option for you. Eating at a local cafe or market allows you to be aware of your surroundings and gives you a variety of options and makes the next step easier for you.
6. Go to a florist or a botanist
Plants help clean the air, reduce stress and allow you to be closer to nature despite you being inside. Find a local botanist or florist that can give you indoor plants. With these indoor plants decorate your house with them, unless you spend more time in one room use that room to your aesthetic.
Best plants to use:
Monstera deliciosa
Devil’s Ivy
Peace Lily
7. Buy a diary, a novel, and art supplies
Why buy a diary?
It allows you to plan your day, gives you a safe place to write down your thoughts and feelings.
Why buy a novel?
Bookworm or not, find a novel that interests you. Read the blurb and find a genre that speaks to you and your interests. If your someone who hates reading, think of your favorite movie genre and film- find a book that is similar and buy it. Go to second-hand book stores, libraries and departments to find a good book. But if your someone who wants to research books before buying them, use BuzzFeed and Frankie Magazine for good book reviews and recommendations. Even Medium has wonderful book suggestions.
Bookworms (aka me) can be picky about what genre they want or what specific storyline they expect. Search outside your comfort zones and find a novel that is different compared to what you read every day.
Why buy art supplies?
Art is a visual language. It allows self-expression and experimentation to take place. Go to an art store or a shop that sells art supplies and find a medium that suits you. Mediums that are great for beginners are watercolor paints, a sketch pad, canvases (preferably small), acrylic paints and pencils. For people who are more advanced should try using oil paints on canvas. Do this project in the afternoon. Watch tutorials or look through Pinterest for inspiration and guidance.
8. Spend the afternoon doing art or reading that novel, decorate your space while you are at it too
Just do it, try and spend thirty minutes or an hour on each project if you find it hard to focus on one thing at a time.
With those plants, decorate your space, put them near windows or in blank boring corners of your living space. Find a place where they belong.
9. Take Yourself on a Date
Just like Emma Watson, self-partner.
Eating alone may not seem like the most ideal activity to do by yourself, however, it is vital to you and the weekend of self-love. Eating alone allows you to benefit from self-efficiency, alone time, eating at your own pace and not having to rely on another date to accompany you. People who eat alone are more likely to not have to rely on others for entertainment.
You should either cook your favorite meal or take yourself to your favorite eatery (McDonald's does not count!) Wear something that makes you feel comfortable, even if it means wearing a dress and heels or wearing a hoodie. Sit down in your favorite spot and eat your favorite meal.
If you are in an awkward position, bring that book to read, have a magazine (Vogue, Frankie, Travel, etc) or that sketchbook.
Finish the date off with going home, having a long bath or shower and going straight to bed.
10. Wake up and Repeat your Ritual
Yes, repeat Saturday morning’s ritual minus the yoga (if you want) . Today you are going to go at a slow pace. Use this time wisely to get yourself ready, have some coffee or a green smoothie and healthy sustainable breakfast.
11. Choose a local gem and go there
Yes, today you are going on a minimal adventure. This time you can only choose from a particular list. These local gems can include-
Art gallery
Engaging with art can allow you to engage with others as well, as an artistic person take this as an opportunity to seek inspiration and value the beautification of another’s work. Put in some music, grab a coffee and walk around admiring paintings and statues.
A beach
The earthy sounds, the salty sea breeze and the sounds of the ocean are the remedies to self-love. Exceptionally for a beach away from civilization. Go either by bus or take your car, along the way listen to a podcast or your favorite playlist, immerse yourself in your surroundings. Once you reach your destination make sure you bring something to do- picnic rugs and food, a book, sketchpad and pencils, bathers for a swim or even a camera. Allow yourself to enjoy this space.
Natural Landmark
Natural landmarks such as hiking trails and waterfalls are in nature and naturally set away from the city and active human activity.
Going to either of these places can allow you to find adventure for your soul, often doing this can give you inspiration to travel and find some clarity for whatever you're going through. While at any of these landmarks write in that journal, draw in that sketchbook… do whatever you can to express the emotions and feelings you are going through.
12. Come home and rejuvenate for your week
Come home.
Your weekend has slowly ended and now it’s time for you to start your week ahead. Go to the grocery store and select your items carefully, what nourishes your inner health? What are the foods you desire? What could you use for yourself?
On Monday morning, you are going to be refreshed…
And whenever you need another self-love weekend… you know what to do.